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 Player of the Week!

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Messages : 987
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2008
Age : 30

Player of the Week! Empty
MessageSujet: Player of the Week!   Player of the Week! Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov - 18:39

Player of the week: Jean-Pierre Dumont (R)
NHL has awarded Jean-Pierre Dumont (R) of Nashville Predators as Player Of The Week He registered 2 goals and 3 assists for 5 points in 2 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Canada, Jean-Pierre Dumont was originally drafted to the NHL by the New York Islanders in the 1st round of the 1996 entry draft. He has appeared in 598 NHL games during his career, notching 173 goals and adding 226 assists along with 308 penalty minutes. The 30 year old right wing has played 2 games with the Nashville Predators this season, totalling 2+3=5 with 0 PIM.
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Messages : 987
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2008
Age : 30

Player of the Week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Player of the Week!   Player of the Week! Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov - 20:38

Player of the week: Rob Niedermayer (R)
NHL has awarded Rob Niedermayer (R) of Anaheim Mighty Ducks as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 1 assists for 5 points in 3 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Canada, Rob Niedermayer was originally drafted to the NHL by the Florida Panthers in the 1st round of the 1993 entry draft. He has appeared in 936 NHL games during his career, notching 161 goals and adding 251 assists along with 797 penalty minutes. The 33 year old right wing has played 4 games with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks this season, totalling 4+1=5 with 2 PIM.
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Messages : 987
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2008
Age : 30

Player of the Week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Player of the Week!   Player of the Week! Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov - 22:24

Player of the week: Henrik Zetterberg (C)
NHL has awarded Henrik Zetterberg (C) of Detroit Red Wings as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 1 assists for 5 points in 2 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Sweden, Henrik Zetterberg was originally drafted to the NHL by the Detroit Red Wings in the 7th round of the 1999 entry draft. He has appeared in 361 NHL games during his career, notching 158 goals and adding 185 assists along with 128 penalty minutes. The 27 year old center has played 6 games with the Detroit Red Wings this season, totalling 6+5=11 with 6 PIM
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Player of the Week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Player of the Week!   Player of the Week! Icon_minitime

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Player of the Week!
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